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Solvent-free Epoxy Multi-Layer Flooring

Multi-layer epoxy cycle colored with formulations with a high solid content, about 2 mm thick to be applied on substrates free from rising damp.

MST 02

Preparation of the substrate

The Concrete Substrate must be solid, dry, levelled, absorbent, not polluted by oils, cleaners, dust or any other substance. For new concrete substrate, the seasoning time must be respected.
Choose the most convenient mechanical preparation: grinding or shot-blasting. As this is a non-transpirant cycle, verify the presence of a vapour barrier as humidity from the ground-up has to be avoided.


  1. Apply by trowel, a layer of FLUIDEPOX mixed with Quarzo B0 in the proportion of 1 to 0,5 for a consumption of around 0,25-0,40 kg/m2 of FLUIDEPOX. When still fresh, seed till saturation with Quarzo B1, for a consumption of around 2,5 kg/m2 , remove the next day the exceeding Quarzo B1.
  2. Scratch the surface with PAVIPLAST filled with 50% of Quartz B0, for a consumption of around 0,80 kg/m2 of PAVIPLAST.
    Apply with an American trowel.
  3. Apply a coat of PAVIWATER, diluted with 10% of water and filled with 3% of Sferette di Vetro Grosse, with a consumption of 0,15 kg/m2.
  4. The joints must be cut and sealed with the polyurethane elastomer SIGILFLEX.

The final thickness of the resinous covering is around 2 mm

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MST02 it's used:
